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Tuesday, August 28, 2012


~ Mark Your Calendars ~
Estate Sale - September 8 - 9, 2012
Cupertino / Los Altos
See you all on the 8th and/or 9th of September!!
We will send out the address of sale, e-mails, marketing posts and picture link next week, but wanted to alert everyone that we are having a sale so you can all mark your calendars!!

We NOW accept Credit Cards

Please note Fees may apply on certain purchases 


Happy Labor Day! 

Take care,
Renee & Staff :)

Monday, August 6, 2012


Photo credit:  Le Papillon Estate Liquidation Services
We all love to collect beautiful, fun, interesting and potentially valuable items as well as retain beloved family heirlooms and treasures. 

However, at what point does collecting and preserving family memories become a bigger issue.

Photo credit:  Chicago Tribune/TLC: Buried Alive
Most of us either know, have worked with, watched a TV program or sadly have a Hoarding Disorder.

I have worked with and specialized in working with many a client who has developed this disorder.

It is very difficult, challenging and heart wrenching for all parties concerned, not just the person who has the disorder. 

It effects the individual(s) as well as family members.  

Photo credit:  AnimalNews

Hoarding is not limited to the collecting of items
or possessions, it can manifest itself as the
need to save and collect animals.

I would like to share a couple of very informative and interesting articles written by the ADAA (Anxiety and Depression Association of America) and AARP regarding Hoarding and OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) with you: 



We know how hard it is to discuss this situation, but we are experts in dealing with the emotions and challenges of this disorder and always treat the client with the utmost care and respect.   

Please contact us for suggestions on how to address this disorder and how our services can assist you in dealing with the Hoarding or Obsessive-Compulsive (OCD) disorder.  

Thank you and our Best always,
Renee Lazear & Staff