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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Estate Sale Advice

It doesn't matter whether you're a family member, representative, attorney, or executor, there is always the difficult decision of how to disposition an estate. However, if you're reading this then you're already thinking of options as how to accomplish this daunting task.

Unless, you have the emotional fortitude to handle all aspects of an Estate Sale including dealing with the public, which sadly to say is not always so kind or easy, please do yourself a favor and consider hiring a professional company. These individuals will take care of all aspects required to disposition the effects of the estate so you can deal with what's truly important; helping your client(s) through the disposition of the estate or as an individual(s) allow yourself to remember fondly and grieve over the loss of your loved one.

Finally, remember do not throw anything away: 1) let the Estate Sale / Liquidations company deal with this 2) you might be throwing away something that you'd like to retain or is valuable

Remember not all Estate Sale / Liquidations companies are created equal. Most charge a percentage of the Sale Only but have additional charges for other means to disposition the estate, some like myself try to make the process from start to finish all inclusive, except hauling or if you contract additional services not related to the Estate Sale.

Granted the days of a hand shake to seal a deal are gone, but you can use your instincts about a person, get references from the company and always get a contract.

We have personally experienced the loss of loved ones, therefore we can relate to what you are going through. We will always handle your affairs with the utmost respect and consideration. However, in the end, you must feel comfortable with the people handling the estate and trust that they will perform the essential tasks at hand.

Our Best,

Le Papillon Estate Liquidation Services

Before Start/ Pre-Set Up

Ready to go for Sale Days: